Repair/rebalancing of battery packs
NOTE: This service is currently not available, will resume late 2022
Are you suffering from limited range in your Nissan Leaf? Has it started to affect how usable the car is? Want to do something about it? Get in touch for a free estimate.
Individual cell failures are thankfully quite rare. 24kWh Leafs often degrade linearly over time. For these cars, a newer/upgraded battery makes more economical sense compared to the labour intensive process of replacing modules in the current one. However, 30kWh packs can get severely imbalanced over time. The rear stack usually degrades faster than the rest of the battery pack, probably due to heat. For these packs, replacing the degraded cells will restore the car completely. More information on this phenomena can be found here: EVs Enhanced - 30kWh cell failures

Performance upgrades for the LEAF
Dala has pioneered in power modifications for the Nissan LEAF. Everything needed to perform this upgrade has been documented on YouTube, and the code needed is available on Github. By following it, any competent EV mechanic should be able to perform 110kW and 160kW inverter retrofits. Please note that Dala's EV Repair is not taking on customers locally for this upgrade, but will happily supply CAN-bridges via the contact form at the bottom of the page!
Battery upgrades for the Nissan Leaf
NOTE: Battery upgrades in Vaasa are not available at the moment. We suggest upgrading at home by ordering a battery from a scrapyard, and installing it with a CAN-bridge at home!
Are you in need of more range from a single charge? Do you want to keep your electric car on the road longer? Do you want to increase the value of your EV? You’re in luck! A battery upgrade might just be the thing for you! Dala´s EV Repair is working hard on offering affordable battery upgrades for the 2011-2023 Nissan Leaf. There are currently two ways of performing a battery upgrade. The first way to upgrade has been around for some time but is being replaced by a newer, safer and quicker way.
History lesson: The ‘Bruteforce’ method relies on putting newer cells into the old battery casing and re-using everything related to the battery management system. The only positive of this swap is that it never causes any pairing issues, and you can upgrade to any lithium modules. The major downside is that this takes many more hours to swap everything out, and when everything is up and running the instrument cluster will show an incorrect range estimation. It also requires extreme caution and skill when doing a deep dive into the battery pack. Also depending on which cells you use, the battery management system will not behave correctly, so we NEVER perform this way of upgrading. See this link for more info
The “Clean” method to upgrade is much quicker and safer. This method works by mounting a CAN-bridge between the new battery and the car, to translate the newer battery pack data to a compatible format for the older car. There are currently a few suppliers that offer some form of this clean upgrade functionality, but we use our own version of a CAN bridge to keep down cost. It also enables us to code any specific functionality we want, and allows us to upgrade freely between any Nissan LEAF battery pack size (24/30/40/62kWh)! See this link for more info on battery upgrades

We can supply the hardware and instructions needed for you to perform a battery upgrade on your own!
Lithium cells for sale
Are you in need of big lithium cells? Maybe complement a solar powerplant with a 10kWh battery? Used EV batteries are perfect for stationary installs. Get in touch for an offer! Selection changes constantly, here are some example prices.
50-90% State of health batteries, leftover from Nissan Leaf upgrades
- Unfortunately no stock available! Check back later!
Also possible to buy modules separately, but higher price per kWh since it requires more effort to dismantle the batteries!

Aeromod#1: Modular grille-block off plates
Our first own product! Did you know you can squeeze out more range from your Leaf by improving its aerodynamic property? Gone are the days of using tape to aeromod your Leaf, instead use our 3d-printed, easily removable and modular grille block off plates. The front air intake on a Leaf is dimensioned to function in all climates from -40°C to +40°C, but here in Scandinavia you’ll never really need that much cooling. There is no drawback to closing it up, and if a +40°C heatwave strikes, the kit is modular, and a middle section can be removed.
3d-print them yourself we are offering the .STL files below free of charge
Leaf Battery to OBD2 cable
Here's something for the tinkerer! If you want to check the health status of a Leaf battery pack (maybe before buying one?) you need some way to connect to it. Gone are the days of searching high and low for a suitable connector, just grab our .STL file and 3d-print one!
Check the link below for detailed instructions, schematics and a download link to the .STL file!

I'm Daniel and the founder of Dala´s EV Repair. If you have any questions you can contact me using the form below. Finnish, Swedish or English works 🙂
Please note that I am not taking on any work at the moment, I simply don't have time. For LEAF BatteryUpgrade CAN-bridge inquiries, please see this link for guides!
You can also check out more about us on our social media channels:

I am a huge fan of EVs. I truly believe this is the future for all types of transportation. I started Dala's EV Repair in 2019 when I found out just how expensive lithium battery repairs/replacements were. I was also not pleased with the locked down ecosystems all carmakers have when it comes to battery replacements. This prevents third-party shops from fixing cars up for a low cost. Having only expensive battery replacements will scare off potential EV-adopters, and even make people treat cars with a bad battery as disposable! Dala's EV Repair aims to correct this by creating upgrade paths for old EVs, making them as desirable as new ones.
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